Ratings Data & Research

Make better informed credit investment and risk decisions, backed by our sister company Fitch Ratings award-winning ratings data and expert credit research.

Our products

Get the complete picture before you make investment and credit risk decisions, with Fitch Ratings multi award-winning ratings data and highly regarded credit research.

Fitch Credit Ratings

Detailed current and historical data on nearly 20,000 entities and transactions, anchored to a robust methodology, for a comprehensive view of creditworthiness.

Fitch Ratings Credit Research

Get the story behind the numbers in our global coverage, with local expertise from 1,500+ seasoned analysts on key sectors.

Fitch Ratings ESG Relevance Scores Data

The most credit-focused fixed income ESG data in the market, created by Fitch Ratings analysts, delivered by Fitch Solutions.

Get a clearer perspective on credit risk

Transparency you can trust

We offer transparent methodologies, complete availability of underlying data, and readily accessible analysts. This means you get a deep understanding of the research, fuelled by information to generate critical insights.

Detail you can leverage

Our research and data are produced to the highest standards of accuracy and depth. We provide a detailed and balanced perspective on the entities and issues that matter most to your organization, and a unique input to your decision-making.

Experience you can rely on

Our highly skilled and tenured analysts offer in-depth local expertise across the globe. This gives you a trusted resource: decision-making that has been proven and awarded time and time again, over 100 years in the market.

Fitch Ratings Data & Research,
delivered the way you want it

Access the latest Fitch Ratings data and research via Fitch Ratings PRO, a cutting-edge, multi-channel technology platform offering a choice of delivery channels to ideally match your workflow, from Web to Excel Add-In, Feeds, and API. All fully supported by our expert onboarding and customer success teams.

Differentiated data and reliable insights

Transparent and trusted data and research, paired with unrivalled strengths in structured finance, banks,
and emerging markets make our offering truly unique. See the difference for yourself.

The thought leader in credit

Learn how Fitch Ratings produce award-winning ratings data and credit research.

Fitch Ratings is the Thought Leader in Credit


Focused Economics Analyst Forecast Awards

2024 Winner of more Forecaster
awards than any other research provider

The Asset
AAA Awards

ESG, Public Finance, Investment Grade, and Sovereign Rating Agency of The Year – 2021, 2022

Achievement Awards

Rating Agency of the Year, 2022

Bond Awards

Best Rating Agency for Emerging Market Bonds, 2022

See the difference

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Press Release / Mon 22 Jul, 2024

BMI Launches Energy Transition Service to Monitor the Shifting Energy Landscape at Global and Local Levels

Press Release / Tue 16 Jul, 2024

Fitch Group Named Top Forecaster in FocusEconomics Analyst Forecast Awards

Press Release / Mon 8 Jul, 2024

BMI Launches ESG Country Service to Measure Risk in 140 Markets

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Reports Store

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Explore knowledge that cuts through the noise, with award-winning data, research, and tools.

Know what you need but can't find it?


BMI has a 40- year track record of supporting investors, risk managers and strategists. We help them identify opportunities and quantify risks in markets where reliable information is hard to find and difficult to interpret. This includes in-depth insight and data, and high frequency geopolitical risk indicators.


CreditSights enables credit market participants to manage financial risk better with independent credit research, global market insights, covenant analysis, and news, distilling market noise into actionable investment ideas.


dv01 provides true transparency in lending markets, and valuable intelligence on every consumer loan in the structured finance world, through a leading data intelligence platform.

Fitch Learning

Fitch Learning develops the future leaders of the financial services industry and drives collective business performance. We do this by utilizing a best-in-class technology platform and blended learning solutions that maintain the personal element of development.

Fitch Ratings Research & Data

We help credit, risk, and investment professionals make better-informed decisions and meet regulatory requirements, within and beyond the rated universe. We do this by providing differentiated perspectives and in-depth expertise through Fitch Credit Ratings, Fitch Ratings Credit Research, Fundamental Financial Data, and innovative datasets, all backed by transparent methodologies, accessible analysts, and workflow-enhancing analytical tools.

Sustainable Fitch

Sustainable Fitch delivers human-powered sustainability Ratings, Scores & Opinions, as well as Data & Research to serve the needs of fixed income investors. Our specialists uniquely deconstruct the complex issues of E, S, and G globally.

ESG Relevance
Scores Data

Access ESG Scores on more than 10,000 entities and transactions, and over 140,000 ESG data points to support your credit risk assessments.