Month to Month Rental Agreement

A month-to-month rental agreement, or “tenancy at will”, is a real estate contract between a landlord and tenant that can be canceled by either party with written notice. The minimum notice period depends on the State laws where the property is located but is commonly thirty (30) days. In order to cancel, the landlord or tenant will be required to send the other party a notice to quit via certified mail with a return receipt or by hand-deliver.

Month to Month Agreements: By State

What is a Month-to-Month Lease?

A month-to-month lease is a rental contract for tenants and landlords that would like the option of canceling the tenancy, at any time, with 30 or 60 days’ notice. Either the landlord or tenant may terminate the lease by sending the other party official notice, recommended via certified mail, and in accordance with the State law.

If the parties decide not to cancel, the rental period shall continue into perpetuity.

Rent Increase – At any time and in accordance with State law, the landlord may increase the rent with proper notice. The tenant will have the option to accept the new rental terms or reject them and vacate the property.

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