The Records office at the Law Enforcement Center maintains all the initial, investigative and criminal files for the Beltrami County Sheriff’s Office, the Bemidji Police Department and the Blackduck Police Department. The Records Division is responsible for processing and maintaining crime and arrest records, traffic accident reports, citations and related documents in order to provide information to other divisions within the Law Enforcement Center, the County Attorney’s Office, the Court System, other law enforcement agencies and the general public. The Records division also maintains and reports crime statistics to the BCA.
At the Records office, requests are handled for incident reports and other data as requested, as allowed under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Statute Chapter 13. Applications for gun purchase and carry permits, local background checks, Driver’s license records, public data requests, state accident reports and other forms are available at the Records window.
We do not automatically mail out copies of reports. Copies of accident reports, arrests, and incidents handled by the Sheriff’s office are available for release, subject to data privacy laws, by contacting the Records Office at 218-333-4187 or stopping at the Records Office, 613 Minnesota Ave. You will be asked to complete a public data request form available by clicking here.
Any report marked “CONFIDENTIAL”, any juvenile reports and/or juvenile names, Social Services reports, anything involving vulnerable adults, victim’s names and any report currently under investigation or where the release of said report might jeopardize the safety and welfare of the involved. If there is a question about releasing information, a public data request may be sent to the County Attorney.
Ask your insurance company to send a request to our office along with a signed release. You may also stop by the Records office at the LEC and request your report, you can download the public data request form by clicking here.
Fingerprinting, for non-criminal purposes, will no longer be done at the Beltrami County Jail. If you need to be printed for employment, security, or other reasons, please call the Beltrami County Sheriff’s Bailiff Division at 218-333-4087 for an appointment. The fingerprinting will be done at the Judicial Center for a fee of $25.00.
You need to discuss it with the Deputy involved in your case. Most often, a Deputy will leave a card with their voice mail number and your incident number on it. If they did not leave you a card, call the Records Office at 218-333-4187 and we will connect you to the deputy’s voice mail.
You can download a copy of the application and instructions from this website, or you can pick up the forms in the lobby of the Law Enforcement Center. Once the form is completed you must make an appointment by calling 2183334187 to drop it off in person during business hours. You must apply in the County in which you reside. We will ask to see your driver’s license. There is no cost for permits to purchase. Permits to carry are good for 5 years and the fee is $100.00 plus you must have a certificate of firearms training. Please allow up to 30 days for processing and once complete the standard process is the permit will be mailed to the applicant.
Updates or changes to a permit must be submitted in person at the Records Office. We will ask you to fill out the first page of the application with the updated information. The permit holder is required to notify the issuing Sheriff’s Office of any change of address, loss or destruction of a permit. Failure to provide notification as required is a petty misdemeanor. A notarized statement is required on any lost or stolen permits to get a replacement card. Please allow up to 30 days to process the update and to receive the replacement card. The fee is $10 (cash or check only). A current Minnesota driver’s license and your current permit is required for change of address.