Luna Bean Baby Casting Kit - Instructional Video

Thank you for choosing Luna Bean! Let's create a beautiful keepsake together.

First, decide if you want to cast a hand, foot, or bum (bum mold only included in the Deluxe kit).

- Foot: Use the rectangular deep container included in your Standard or Deluxe kit
- Hand: Use any cup that is deep enough to cast up to the baby's wrist (not included)
- Bum: Use the square shallow container included in your kit

Follow the step-by-step instructions for specific details based on your choice of casting.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Make the Mold

Important Tip: In step 1, using room temperature water will allow your cast to dry in 4 to 6 minutes. Using warmer, bath temperature water, the mold will set quicker, in about 2 to 3 minutes.

• Slowly mix the Molding Powder with water in the container and mix until it turns bright pink.
- Hand: use 1 cup of water
- Foot: use 2 cups of water
- Bum: use 2 cups of water

• It is recommended to wait until most of the pink color has faded before inserting your baby’s foot into the mold.

• Then, insert your baby’s foot into the mold and keep it in place as best you can.

• It is ok if the baby moves around a bit. Once the mold starts to set, it will gently hold your baby’s hand in place.

• Touch the top of the mold to see if it is firm to touch. It shouldn’t leave any residue on your fingers!

• Once the mold has set, carefully wiggle out of the mold.

Step 2: The Casting Stone

• Mix the casting stone with room temperature water for 1 minute, or until fully mixed.
- Hand & Foot: use ½ cup of water
- Bottom: use 1 cup of water

• Pour the mixture into the mold. Tilt and tap the bucket to fill all areas inside the mold to avoid air bubbles.

• Allow the casting to harden. Depending on your choice of casting, it will take 1 to 2 hours to harden.

Step 3: Demolding Your Casting

• Flip over the container to remove the mold.

• Peel away the casting material. We recommend peeling in smaller pieces as more of the casting is revealed to avoid damaging any toes.

• Set the finished casting to dry in a well-ventilated area for about 5 days!

Optional Steps: Finishing Touches

• Use the extra components to add your finishing touches to your casting!

• Once the casting is fully dry, use the sealant and apply 2 to 3 coats to your casting. This will prevent mold over time.

• Then, use the provided paint colors or any other acrylic paints to add your final personalization!